
My Developer Roadmap

Over 3 years ago — 3 min read / Suggest edit on GitHub

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This is basically just a list of stuff I plan to learn, then every so often I’ll come take a look at it and update it and add more depending on what I’m currently doing, just keeping track of everything I’ve learned 😅

✔️ - I’m comfortable with this.

🚧 - Not 100% but working on it.

💡 - Thinking about it soon.

Nothing - Not yet a priority

Front End Basics

Intermediate Front-End

Advanced Front-End

  • Javascript
    • Typescript
    • Rxjs
    • Advanced React
      • Controlled components and Control Props
      • Component State Reducers ✔️
      • Providers ✔️
      • Advanced React Patterns
      • Advanced state management
        • State Architecture Patterns ✔️
        • Redux Thunk ✔️
        • Redux Saga ✔️
        • Flux ✔️
  • Mobile Development
    • React Native
  • Electron
  • Extras
    • Technical Debt
    • Git flow
    • Web Performance
      • CDN ✔️
      • Image Optimization ✔️
      • Webpack Optimizations ✔️
      • Preloading, Caching ✔️
      • Manging Dependencies ✔️
      • Babel Plugins ✔️
      • Web Workers and Multithreading ✔️
      • Cloud functions
      • LazyLoading, Parallel Loading ✔️
      • HTTP/2 ✔️
      • Email Templating

Back-End Basics

Intermediate Back-End


  • Basics / Data Structures
    • Primitives / Arrays / Objects / Maps / Sets ✔️
    • Big O / Time Complexity ✔️
    • Stacks ✔️
    • Queues ✔️
    • Linked Lists ✔️
    • Trees
    • Hash Tables ✔️
    • Binary Trees ✔️
    • Bloom Filters
    • Tries
  • Sorting
    • Bubble Sort ✔️
    • Selection Sort ✔️
    • Insertion Sort ✔️
    • Merge sort ✔️
    • Quick Sort ✔️
    • Heap Sort
    • Radix Sort
  • Searching
    • Breadth First Search ✔️
    • Depth First Search
    • In-Order Traversal
    • Pre / Post Order Traversal
  • Graphs & Paths
    • Graphs
    • Matrix
    • Adjacency List
  • Dynamic Programming